Event Description
3rd World Congress On Gynecology, Obstetrics & Reproductive Health Bangkok.
Gavin Conferences invites participants from all over the world to attend “3rd World Congress On Gynecology, Obstetrics & Reproductive Health” during November 7-8, 2019 at Bangkok, Thailand.
The theme of the congress is "Together Towards Gynecology & Obstetrics Care".
Gynecology 2019 is a two-day "CPD accredited" congress and is a leading platform for a focused agenda of the current research in the field of gynecology which includes Keynotes, symposiums, workshops, exhibitions, Panel discussions, poster sessions.
End Date
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Event Types (Select all that apply)
Medical Convention
Medical Meeting
Medical Conference
Medical Seminar
Event Registration Contact Email
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CME Credits
$1500, One poster award An opportunity to sponsor one poster presentation award. One complimentary Conference registration. Set up of one tailor-made e
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract guidelines
- Abstracts must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been presented elsewhere (except in the form of a thesis) and are not currently under consideration by another conference. The submitting speaker should ensure that the abstract publication has been approved by all other co-authors.
- All abstracts must be written exclusively in English (including the title, abstract text, author names and affiliations).
- Presenting author’s contact details including full mailing address, office phone number, email address and fax number.
- Name(s) of presenting author and co-authors: first name(s) or initials of first name(s), family name (e.g. Jason Wong or J. Wong)
- Affiliation details of all authors: Department, institution/hospital, city, state (if relevant), country.
- The abstracts should be less than 250 words followed by 150 words of biography.
- All the abstracts submitted will be reviewed by an International panel of experts representing all specialties. Within in 3 days of the abstract submission from the author, the reviewers (10 reviewers for each conference) were requested to review the abstract of their specified sessions based on their expertise. Once the papers are reviewed, the conference secretariat will mail the status of the abstract.
- The authors of the abstracts selected for the presentation will be guided with the presentation type, time and date of the session prior to the conference.
- If authors wish to withdraw their abstracts from presentation or publication they are requested to send a letter via e-mail to the conference secretariat 2 months prior to the meeting.
- Consequently the abstract will not be published.