25th Pharmacovigilance 2021 (Virtual Conference) 2021
25th Pharmacovigilance 2021
“Latest developments in pharmacovigilance, drug safety & risk management”
22nd - 23rd September 2021, Virtual Conference (Time Zone - EST)
After the successful journey of a series of 24 Pharmacovigilance conferences, Virtue Insight is proud to announce its 25th Pharmacovigilance 2021. We have been delivering the conference through close collaboration with the industry leaders for more than a decade. For the 2021 edition, the agenda includes a host of new and exciting features. Take a chance and make it count by attending this conference to network with your peers, exchange expertise and experiences, and arm yourself with the latest information to take your department to the next level.
Email - kavitha@virtueinsight.co.in or TEL: +44-20 3509 3779
Please note that this is a PAID event and NOT A FREE event (no complimentary passes available). Any invite, email or tickets issued mentioning it as a free pass or free ticket to this event through any third party site will strictly not be accepted by the organizer.
EARLY BIRD PRICE (Valid Till 16th August 2021 - Not Valid for UK based attendees):
1 Delegate @ £399
3 Delegates @ £999
EARLY BIRD PRICE (Valid Till 16th August 2021 – For UK based attendees):
1 Delegate @ £399+VAT
3 Delegates @ £999+VAT
STANDARD PRICE (Valid From 17th August 2021 - Not Valid for UK based attendees)
1 Delegate @ £599
3 Delegates @ £1299
STANDARD PRICE (Valid From 17th August 2021 - For UK based attendees)
1 Delegate @ £599+VAT
3 Delegates @ £1299+VAT
Conference Sponsor, Exhibition Stall & Paid Speaker Slot - Please email your interest and queries to kavitha@virtueinsight.co.in
- MIRZA I. RAHMAN, Senior VP & Chief Global PV Officer, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization
- JULIE GIROD, Vice President, Global Head of Case Management & Medical Evaluation, Sanofi-Aventis
- CARMIT STRAUSS, Global Safety Director (Benefit Risk Management Officer), Amgen
- WILLIAM WANG, Executive Director, Clinical Safety Statistics, Merck
- JUDY LI, Senior Director, Biostatistics Lead, San Diego Site, Bristol-Myers Squibb
- MELVIN MUNSAKA, Senior Director, Head Safety Statistics, Abbvie
- ARVIND BELLUR, Associate Vice President, Sanofi
- ROSALINA DOMIN, Senior Director, QA and Deviation Management Head PV Quality, Sanofi
- KHAUDEJA BANO, Executive Medical Director, Combination Product Safety Head, Amgen
- SHAUN COMFORT, Associate Director and Senior Safety Science Leader, Roche - Genentech
- GIGI ATALLA, Vice President, Head of Global Drug Safety & Pharmacovigilance, Genmab
- MIRCEA CIUCA, Global Therapeutic Area Head - Global Clinical Safety & PV, CSL Behring
- MICHAEL GLASER, Technology Innovation Director, GSK
- JAYLAXMI NALAWADE, Associate Director, Pharmacovigilance and REMS, Lupin
- KAL ELHOREGY, Director, Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) Programs, Amneal Pharmaceuticals
- MOHAMED ABDILLAHI, Director, Risk management Product Lead, Pfizer
- DIMITRIS ZAMPATIS, Scientific Director, Safety Strategy Lead, Healthcare Business of Merck
- TEODORA DOHERTY, Global Medical Safety (GMS), Medical Safety Officer, Janssen Research & Development
- JOHN SOLOMON, Head of Pharmacovigilance UK & Ireland, Sanofi
- SUMIT MUNJAL, Vice President, Global Patient Safety Evaluation, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
- TANJA PETERS, Head Global Patient Safety Neurology & Immunology, Merck KGaA
- AYSE BAKER, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Almatica (Alvogen)
- RAJ BHOGAL, Senior Director, R&D Audits & Inspections, Jazz Pharmaceuticals
- TEA BABIC, Director, PV Audits and Inspections, Teva Pharmaceuticals
- ISRAEL GUTIERREZ, VP Pharmacovigilance & Drug Safety, Geron Corporation
- OYINKANSOLA ODEBO, Assistant Director, Drug Safety Clinical Research, Supernus Pharmaceuticals
- DEEPA VENKATARAMAN, Head of Global Patient Safety and Pharmacovigilance, Summit Therapeutics
- KATARINA ILIC, Senior Clinical Pharmacology Medical Leader, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
- CHETAN SHATAPATHY, Consultant Medical Advisor, (QPPV) (Interim), Janssen Pharmaceutical
- KISHAN NANDHA, PVQA Manager & Lead Auditor, Astellas Pharmaceuticals
- EMMANUEL PHAM, Former Vice-President Biometry, IPSEN
- PAVAN BADALE, Head- PV Process Excellence, Safety case Management, Novartis
- ZULANE MALDONADO-CRUZ, Senior Drug Safety Specialist, Supernus Pharmaceuticals
- ARUN TIRUMALAI, Sr. Technical Consultant, GSK
- MARINA SUVAKOV, Global Head Safety Surveillance, Philip Morris
- DEEPA ARORA, Director, CLINEXEL Life Science
- SIVA KUMAR BUDDHA, Global Safety Physician Manager : Product Safety & Risk Management, Viatris
- JIM BUCHANAN, President, Covilance
- HEIDE CUNNING, US Pharmacovigilance Officer-Safety Services Operations, Janssen Pharmaceuticals
- PASQUALE FEDELE, R&D Director, Blu Pantheon
- BILL ARONSON, COO, Artificial Intelligence Research Group
- ADI BEN-ARI, Founder & CEO, Applied Blockchain
- KAVYA KADAM, Consultant Global Clinical Trials
- Market analysis – Pharmacovigilance in 2022 - future horizons and efficiencies
- Impacts of PV on Covid-19
- Regulations, Legal Implications for the pharmacovigilance Industry
- Outsourcing in Pharmacovigilance- Best Practices, Challenges and key consideration
- New Technologies in Pharmacovigilance (AI/ Machine Learning, IoT, Blockchain & Big Data)
- PV Audit & Inspections – Knowing what is to be done
- Never let a crisis go to waste: Practicing Pharmacovigilance Post-Pandemic!
- PV – Risk Management and Planning - REMS
- Documentation (RMPs, PSURs, PADERs, PBRERs)
- Quality, Safety and Signal Detection - Future of 2020
- Medical devices – Increasing safety perspective
- Case studies from various countries on the PV frameworks around the world
- Patient centric approach to help improve patient safety
- The developing regulatory framework in advanced and developing markets – EU, USA & ROW
- Be part of a major networking opportunity
CEO’s, CTO’s, CIO’s, Presidents, VPs, Directors, Heads, Managers, Scientific Advisors, Consultants of:
Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacogenomics, Drug/Product Safety, Drug Development, Information and Clinical Data Management, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Safety, Periodical safety update Reports, Risk Management, Research & Development, Quality Assurance, Patient Safety, Signal Detection, Safety Surveillance, Outcomes Research, Data Analysis, Epidemiology, Medical Affairs, Regulatory Affairs and Compliance, Information technology, Sales and Marketing
Get more from the event, with a broader scope bringing the whole communications value chain together. Enjoy and make the best out of our dedicated networking time, meet the leading international vendors showcasing the products of tomorrow in the virtual exhibition area. Expand your knowledge of the latest business models and strategies in the high-level conference.
25th Pharmacovigilance 2021 (Virtual Conference) 2021
After the successful journey of a series of 24 Pharmacovigilance conferences, Virtue Insight is proud to announce its 25th Pharmacovigilance 2021. We have been delivering the conference through close collaboration with the industry leaders for more than a decade. For the 2021 edition, the agenda includes a host of new and exciting features. Take a chance and make it count by attending this conference to network with your peers, exchange expertise and experiences, and arm yourself with the latest information to take your department to the next level.