Greetings from WCPNN 2019 !!
On behalf of WCPNN 2019, Program Manager, I am pleased to invite you, and to join our fabulous 2019 Program. Your work in Pediatric & Neonatal Nursing field has left a great imprint in the research field. We would like to use our event to bring the spotlight on your achievements. Our speakers have enjoyed the crowd and the setting of our past events and we are confident that you will like it as well.
A new innovation of Pediatric & Neonatal nursing, focusing on most recent advancements, evolution and many more procedures in Pediatric Nursing will be the goal of “36th World Congress On Pediatric & Neonatal Nursing” which is scheduled during March 1-2, 2019 at Tokyo, Japan.
WCPNN 2019 invites the participants from all over the world to attend the Conference during March 1-2, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan, which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.
WCPNN 2019 is an extraordinary event designed for International Pediatrics and Neonatal nursing professionals to facilitate the dissemination and application of research findings related to Pediatrics and the interactions between Pediatrics and Nursing. The conference invites participants from all leading Universities, Clinical Research Institutions and Diagnostic Companies to share their research experiences on all aspects of this rapidly expanding field and thereby, providing a showcase of the latest Techniques involved in Pediatrics and Neonatal Nursing.
Looking forward to collaborate involving the following opportunities with the leading educational and industrial partners:
- Moderator
- Event Partnering
- Speaker/ Poster opportunity
- Workshop/ symposium organization
- Exhibitor/ Sponsorship concerns
- Media Partnering
- Event Collaborator
- International Journal Publication and peer review
- Book show and promotion
- Association Partners
-Travel Agencies
This conference provides a several number of unexampled opportunities to guide your career. You can learn new passages to nursing practice, calibrate your intelligences and work with new technologies and gain ideas from experts at the forepart of Healthcare and Medicine.
Your benign presence at this Conference is important to us. Upon acceptance kindly submit your abstract of the proposal talk, short biography and a recent photograph.
Kindly go to the website & submit abstract. Then fill up the form.
Abstract submission link: https://pediatric.nursingmeetings.com/abstract-submission.php