Event Description
3rd International Conference on Neuroscience and Mental Health 2024 Dubai United Arab Emirates

We are excited to announce the 3rd International Conference on Neuroscience and Mental Health, scheduled to take place from May 15-16, 2025, in Dubai, UAE. The conference theme, "Innovations and Global Perspectives in Neuroscience and Mental Health," underscores the critical importance of exploring cutting-edge developments and diverse viewpoints in understanding and treating neurological and psychiatric disorders. Don't miss this remarkable event that aims to bring together leading researchers, clinicians, and professionals from around the globe to share the latest advancements and innovations in the field of neuroscience and mental health.

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Event Types (Select all that apply)
Medical Conference
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CME Credits
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract guidelines

Abstract Submission link: https://www.neuralscience.scientexconference.com/submitabstract

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