Annual Congress on Applied Pharmacology and Toxicology 2021 Edinburgh United Kingdom
The scientific committee is delighted and honored and proud to welcome you all to the “International Conference on Vaccines” (Vaccines 2021) which is set to happen as a webinar event at Edinburg, Scotland in October of 11th and 12th respectively. The conference is set to discuss the current issue and problems associated with vaccines and to acknowledge the researchers who have contributed during the recent struggles with the distribution of the vaccines.
The conference revolves around the theme of “Advancements and developments in vaccine research”.
Vaccines 2021 focuses on providing researchers a central stage in discussing their innovative ideas and solutions concerning the recent pandemic issues. The conference wishes to be the frontrunner of delivering quality sessions to the attendees by providing vast and detailed knowledge in this domain. The conference would like to welcome such idealists and researchers to be a part of this event and provide the audience with a wealth of knowledge and issues related to the domain of vaccine research. Vaccines 2021 focuses on delivering such quality content to attendees at an affordable price to have a fun and productive time in learning about the vaccine advancements.
- Must contain the title in Bold Letters
- Authors and Co-author's(if any) names
- Abstract words should be between 150-250 words
- use pictures if necessary
- At the end of the abstract, add a short description and a picture of yourself