We all want to have a great generic portfolio, but all our competitors also want the same thing - so how do you make sure that you get the winners to market before they do? Do you go for supergenerics, OTCs, smaller volume niches that you can exploit at higher prices - or should you stick to higher volume staples even though margins might be tight? The webinar looks at product selection and who else in the organisation you need to involve to ensure that you get there on time – is it regulatory? production planning? purchasing? strategic planners? The answer is – all of them!
Why Should You Attend:
Beating competitors to the market with the right product is not just a matter of luck - it requires forward planning and coordination of different parts of the organization.
It would be nice if you could just look at products coming off patent next week, select the ones that you want to launch, ask regulatory to register them tomorrow and get production to turn out the launch stocks the day after. Of course, it is sadly not that simple! All these steps are of course necessary and, in that sequence, - but not over such a short time scale.
The webinar aims to outline what you need to do (and when) in order to:-
- Choose the products that are right for you
- Start the regulatory process at the right time
- Organise production in a timely manner
- Ensure that your customers are aware of your launch plans
- Get the products to market at the right time
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
- Challenges of low prices and low margins
- Building a sustainable product portfolio
- Strategies used by market leaders
- Niche and specialty generics
- Super generics vs generics
- Creating customer value and competitive advantage
- Entry into the OTC market
- Should you contract out more of your manufacturing – or expand your in-house production?
- Avoiding expensive mistakes
Who Will Benefit:
- Strategic planners
- Marketing personnel
- Commercial managers
- Businesses Development
- Production personnel
- Regulatory