Meningitis Research Foundation's twelfth international conference brings together world-leading experts to share the latest advances and discuss the challenges of defeating meningitis and septicaemia. Around 300 delegates from a range of specialities and international institutions will join us at The British Museum for two days of presentations from renowned leaders in their field, lively panel discussions and poster presentations that showcase talent, in-depth knowledge and cutting-edge research. This key event for world-leading authorities in infectious disease, paediatrics, public health, vaccinology and global health medicine also offers excellent opportunities to network and share opinions.
We are now inviting submission of poster abstracts to be considered for display at our 2019 Meningitis and Septicaemia Conference.
The Steering Committee will consider abstracts on any form of meningitis, sepsis, or associated infections, from a scientific or healthcare perspective, including prevention, diagnosis, recognition and treatment, health systems research, sequelae and their management, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, epidemiology, health economics, disease burden, immunology, or microbiology.
Abstracts need to be submitted to one of the following categories: 1. Prevention and epidemic control 2.Diagnosis and Treatment 3. Disease surveillance 4.Support and aftercare for survivors and their families 5. Advocacy and Information
Download your poster abstract form here: https://www.meningitis.org/healthcare-professionals/mrf-conference-2019/call-for-poster-abstracts and submit your abstract by Monday 9 September 2019. The abstracts should be written in English and the presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
Abstracts accepted will be published on the Conference App and after the conference will also be made available on our website.
Instructions for preparation of posters will be sent together with the acceptance notification. Authors of the top five abstracts will be invited to give a short (5 minute) oral presentation of their work on the second day of the conference. All authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to send in a pdf/powerpoint copy of their poster before the conference for consideration by the Steering Committee, who will award a prize for the best poster (NB: the best poster prize will not necessarily be awarded to one of the poster presenters).
Presenting authors must be registered delegates. There is a discount for junior trainees (below the grade of specialty registrar) nurses, post-docs and those residing for more than 60% of the year in countries classified with low income and lower-middle income economies. To register as a delegate, contact Paul George +44 (0) 333 405 6262 or visit our conference page.