World Congress on Ophthalmology & Optometry
Ophthalmology 2020 is a very crucial area of research. The theme of this year’s meeting which is going to held on 13, 14 April 2020 is “Exploring current trends & future innovations in Ophthalmology" which will provide an international platform for discussion of present and future challenges in Ophthalmology treatments regarding various diseases.
This explains the researches done from the different parts of the world. Researchers dealing with Eye Research regarding many diseases of Ophthalmology. The most eminent speakers are welcome to regard the meeting. The most recent information regarding diseases, surgeries, preventions, etc and the most upcoming redesigns in the field of Ophthalmology are highlights of this meeting.
Aim and Scope:
Ophthalmology 2020 regarding various diseases aims clinical and experimental examination of eye disorders and therapeutics inside of the fields of Ophthalmic Research. Ophthalmology 2019 maximizes the opportunity to interact with and learn from your peers from across the country and across the globe it held with the discussions on various diseases.
World Congress on Ophthalmology & Optometry
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Title: E-BABE-Encyclopedia of Bioanalytical Methods for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies of Pharmaceuticals
Name: xxxxxxxx
Stanford University School of Medicine, CA 94305, USA
Encyclopedia of Bioanalytical Methods for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies of Pharmaceuticals (E-BABE): It is a unique encyclopedia involving bioanalytical methods for bioavailability and bioequivalence (BA/BE) studies of pharmaceuticals for suitable method selection with thousands of combinations and searches against these methods. Most scrutinized literature was collected from different sources including PubMed. This database has been curetted using published methods for all most all pharmaceuticals. Required information for regular method development/validation such as IUPAC name, structure, solubility, chromatographic conditions, instrumentation information like HPLC, LCMS detection parameters, sample preparations, recovery details, limit of detection and limit of quantification, Tmax, Cmax etc., for routine application in BA/BE studies of pharmaceuticals was incorporated including official pharmacopeias information such as European Pharmacopeia, Japan Pharmacopeia and US Pharmacopeia. Keen selections of bioanalytical methods for pharmaceutical analysis or regular quality control are also possible with E-BABE. E-BABE was built understanding the needs of the pharmaceutical industry and laboratories including CROs working on BA/BE studies. Presently it has nearly of 5,000 methods and it will be updated regularly. (Up to 250 words)
XXXX has completed his PhD at the age of 25 years from Andhra University and postdoctoral studies from Stanford University School of Medicine. He is the director of XXXX, a premier Bio-Soft service organization. He has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.