It is exciting to welcome you all to the 4th World Congress on Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine (PTRM DUBAI) from November 23-24, 2022, in Dubai, UAE.
With a vision to Focus on Success, this year’s congress will focus on the latest in business, education, leadership, and practice in Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Medicine.
Our innovative scientific program, reputable presenters, and venue together form a powerful motivation for academicians, researchers, clinical physiotherapists, physiotherapy students, and other health professionals to attend the congress.
You are all warmly welcomed to Dubai –
Thank you in advance for your part in making this year’s congress fun, fulfilling, and unforgettable. We hope you will be inspired.
Oral Guidelines
All presentations (oral and poster) will generally contain the elements listed below. The main difference between the two forms is that abstracts are often included in a poster, but not in an oral presentation
I. Time
Oral presentations will be 20 minutes long. You should reserve approximately five minutes of this period for audience questions at the end of your talk.
II. Format
Make sure your PowerPoint presentation is in 16:9 ratio (1,920 x 1,080 pixels).
Videos must be embedded in PowerPoint.
A table/podium and a laptop with a projection monitor for PowerPoint presentations will be available.
It is required that all PowerPoint or other computer files be loaded the evening before the Congress starts. If you are unable to load your presentation at the assigned time, please arrange for someone else to bring it by (a flash drive is easiest) and load it for you.
I. Space
At the PTRM, Student Research and Creativity you are allowed a space of 1x1 meters. Remember that you are presenting your poster at a conference with many others, so you will have limited space. The space you are allowed will restrict the content of your poster.
II. Formats
Unlike oral presentations, where speakers may be able to divert attention from a poorly planned presentation, with posters, poor planning is there for all to see. In the general format section below, the specific elements that any presentation should include are listed. Refer to the below as you plan your poster.
Poster Guidelines
PTRM DUBAI includes poster presentations which will be later published in the Program. The accepted abstracts will be presented at the poster session during the congress. PTRM DUBAI aims to set a platform for all budding scientists and researchers to present their real-time work and share their views and aspects related to the congress's theme.
Poster Sessions:
On the day your poster is scheduled, it should be put up on/ before the mentioned time of the congress. All the posters will be removed by the end of the same day.
Poster Size:
Each poster should be approximately 1x1 M long. The title, contents, and the author’s information should be visible from a distance of 1-2 feet.
Use fonts such as Arial/Times New Roman in a reasonable font size that should be easy to read. The spacing between the lines should also be taken into consideration.
A very simple format should be used to represent all the details of the research carried out by the author. Long narrated paragraphs should be avoided. Short phrases and bulleted points should be used in the poster to present the main highlights of the work done.
The Poster should include the following:
Overview: A summary of the purpose, methods, and results should be mentioned on either of the upper sections of the board.
Introduction: An idea about the objective and background of the work should be mentioned.
Methods: Simple description of the apparatus, chemistry, samples, materials, etc used in the research is to be mentioned in the poster.
Results: Graphs, spectra, charts, pictures, etc., with a minimum of text to illustrate the nature of the results.
Conclusions: The positive and negative aspects of the work carried out are to be displayed along with the obtained results.
Future research prospective and developing aspects of the related research can also be discussed.