Obstetrics and Gynecology
New European Surgical Academy (NESA)
Michael Stark is specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology. His main interest is Gynecological Oncology. Since 2004 he is the President of the New European Surgical Academy (NESA), an international inter-disciplinary surgical academy with members in 57 countries. He was the scientific advisor of the European novel Tele-surgical system, scientific and medical advisor of the ELSAN, a 120-hospital group in France, and is a Guest Scientist at Charite University Hospital in Berlin. In 2011, he was nominated as the Medico Del Anno (Doctor of the Year) in Italy, and is an Honorary Member of the French, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Italian Gynecological Associations. In the years 1983-2000, he was the Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Misgav Ladach Hospital in Jerusalem where he developed a new cesarean section technique which became widely used all over the world but at the same time realizing the risks associated with the overuse of cesarean sections, he initiated the NESA's anti-cesarean section campaign. Between 2001 and 2009, he was the Chairman of Gynecology at the HELIOS, European Hospital Group. He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto, Moscow, Beijing, Milan, Adana, Uppsala and New York.