With the unique feedback and generous response received from the attendees, we proudly announce the commencement of 13th International Conference on Surgery and Anaesthesia with the theme Accelerating next generation research in Surgery and Anaesthesia on June 19-20, 2018 in Brisbane, Australia.
Targeting Doctors, Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, Dental surgeons, Residents Fellowship holders, Medical students, Healthcare industries, Nurses Surgical tool technicians etc. from different parts of the world to Brisbane, Australia with the main intention to create a largest gathering of world’s leading professional in the field of Surgery and Anesthesia.
Surgery Asia Pacific 2019 will focus on the following topics such as: General Surgery and its Specialties | Paediatric surgery | Oral and Maxillofacial surgery | Neurosurgery | Ocular surgery | Plastic surgery | Anaesthesiology | Orthopaedic surgery | Surgical oncology | Robotic Surgery | Acute Care Surgery | Surgeons and Physicians | Advancements in surgery.
To participate in Surgery Asia Pacific 2019 visit: https://surgery-anaesthesia.surgeryconferences.com/abstract-submission.php