It’s our pleasure to invite all the participants from all over the world to attend the 14th International Conference on Cancer and Cancer Therapy which is held during Dec 09-10, 2019 at Dubai, UAE.
This Cancer Conference anticipates cancer delegates including Organizing Committee Members, international keynote speakers, oral presentations by renowned speakers, Poster presentations by Students, Video Presentations, e-poster presentations, Workshops and Exhibitions along with Delegates all around the world. Cancer Conference is a platform for the global promotion of Research work in an effective way. Cancer Conference also provides international Cancer networking and opportunities to collaborate with worldwide cancer companies and Cancer industries.
These two days Cancer Conference will address current issues concerning cancer and solutions in the oral or theoretical context. This the Cancer Conference focuses on moving from present innovative knowledge for cancer problems to future solutions.
This Cancer conference invites all the Cancer community people:
Medical oncologists, General oncologists, Surgical oncologists,Radiation oncologists, Cancer Researchers, Oncology Therapist, Oncologist, Doctors, Biological pathologists, Genetic scientists, Cancer Faculties, Oncology Professors, Cancer Lecturers, Cancer Research Students, PHD Students, Cancer Motivational Speakers, Cancer Challengers, Business Entrepreneurs, Medical Devices Companies, Biomedical Companies, Biotechnology Companies, Data Management Companies
Conference Highlights with more than 30+ tractks: visit:http://cancer.alliedacademies.com/call-for-abstracts