2022 Summit on Cancer Health Disparities 2021 Seattle United States
The 2022 Summit on Cancer Health Disparities will feature lectures, panel discussions, and debates among leaders across the spectrum of cancer care delivery. This conference will bring together oncology professionals, researchers, and other stakeholders to discuss the factors leading to cancer health disparities and ways to overcome the impact of these factors to optimize outcomes of cancer patients. This meeting will foster collaborative interdisciplinary interactions and partnerships and stimulate the development of new research and clinical practices to reduce cancer health disparities and improve outcomes of the diverse patient population.
We will accept abstracts in the following categories.
Please select a category that fits the submission best when submitting the abstract.
- Technology
- Tumor biology
- Precision oncology
- Epidemiology
- Screening
- Health policy
- Survivorship
- Quality improvement
- Database analysis
- Encore abstracts: The abstract committee will accept encore clinical trials abstracts for this conference. Submissions with additional data that supplement the previous presentation will be preferred. Authors should provide information regarding the original presentation, including the name of the meeting where the abstract was originally presented.
Notifications – Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection via email.
The three highest-scoring abstracts submitted by a fellow or resident will receive complimentary registration and two free hotel nights during the conference. A fellow or resident must be the first author of the abstract.
General guidelines
- Abstracts submitted should not have been previously published or presented at another meeting.
- Abstracts must be written in the format provided.
- Abstracts should be no more than 300 words (excluding abstract title, authors, and affiliations).
- Abstracts should be written in English & saved as a word document.
- For both primary and co-authors, credentials along with their full first and last names and email addresses must be included. If co-authors are from different institutions, the secondary institution(s) and the institution investigators are associated with must be listed using a superscript. For example: Investigator Names: Jane doe, MD 1, Jay Jones, MD, PHD2, Danny day, MD3. Institutions: 1) Hills Valley Cancer Institute, 2) River Town Cancer Care Center, 3) Cancer Doctors University
- Please do not include any references in your abstract.