20th International Conference on Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Disorders 2020 United Arab Emirates
ME Conference is pleased to welcome all applicants from all over the world to attend the 20th International Conference on Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Disorders on September 24, 2020 (15:00 IST) with a Theme "Clinical Trials and Advancements in Gastroenterology". The conference has Main KeyNote session by
1. Dr.Mansoor Zafar talk on “recurrence of zenker's diverticulum” from East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
2. Dr. Dr.Chandra puli presentation on “Leaks and Fistula closures and unique case presentation called Collet Sicard Syndrom ‘from Borheeve Syndrom "
3. Prof.Higinio T.Mappala MD FPCP Oral talk on “The effect on Ursodeoxycholic acid in treatment of Non Alcoholic steatohepatitis" From Jose Reyes Mem. Medical centre, Manila Philippines
Webinar is also highlighted by the oral presentations by theses Experts
1. Dr.Mousa Abu Ghoush talk on “Eosinophilic Gastroenterocolitis : A case report” from Zayed Military Hospital, United Arab Emirates and
2. Dr. Ivette Santillán Lomelí is going to share her thoughts on “Use of a Subaponeurotic loop for biliary access for endoscopic percutaneous dilation of hepaticojejunostomy stenosis”from UNAM, Mexico and
3. Rahul penumaka student of Imperial College London is going to present his presentation On A Rare case of collet - Sicard Syndrome
4. Dr.Roxana Elena Mirica oral session on :”Neuroendocrine tumor located in the small intestine”
5. Dr.Ahmad Alaiman oral session On”Diarrhoae as manifestation of covid-19:literature review”.
The Webinar also have few Poster presentations and some other talks on different topics from different countries and It will be a remarkable opportunity to delegates and different scholars to interact with each other regarding the current research topics and share their experience internationally.
It should be related to gastroenterology