29th World Congress on Nursing Care 2022 Bangkok Thailand
The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to participate in the “29th World Congress on Nursing care “to be held on May 23-24, 2022, in Bangkok, Thailand, on the theme "Innovations in Nursing and Improving Health through Nursing Research".
Nursing is about caring for each patient and providing quality individual treatment. Several nurses and staff members have been working together for many years to meet all the needs of each patient. Other common tasks include recording vital signs, providing health care, and supervising the work of nursing assistants. It is all about the life sciences that explore growth, development, basic etiquette, individual and organizational growth, and authorized ethical and moral issues.
Abstract submissions are welcome for all topics related to the Nursing Care Congress 2022. Please see the submission guidelines below.
All accepted abstracts for registered participants will be published in the open-access conference support journal and in the conference souvenir.
Abstracts can be submitted via the online link ABSTRACT SUBMISSION.
Abstracts should be submitted in English and be between 250 and 300 words in length, together with a 60 - 70 word biography of the presenter.
Submissions are welcome for all nursing-related topics.
The author of the presentation must provide the following details: Full name of the author, affiliation details: department, institution/hospital, country, telephone number, email address, and photograph.
For co-authors, the following details are required: Full names and affiliation details such as department, institute/organization name, country must be included.
All abstracts will be reviewed by a review committee approved by the Nursing Care Congress 2022 Review Committee. The decision of the committee is final.
All accepted abstract presenters will be required to register and pay for their attendance at the conference.
Please note that your affiliation and abstract title in the final program and journal will appear exactly as you submitted them. Please follow the guidelines provided for the required format and the acceptance letter does not imply any travel subsidy or bursary.
Next steps:
An email confirmation of the submitted abstract will be sent if the abstract is accepted. If the abstract is accepted, presenters must confirm the presenter(s) and pay the applicable registration fee. Failure to do so may result in your paper being excluded from the Nursing Care Congress 2022 program.