We take great pleasure in inviting you to the 2nd International Congress on Pharma, Toxicology and Clinical Trials 2020. The Conference is going to held during July 15-16, 2020 at Valencia, Spain.
The Impact Pharma 2020 is a conference hub that covers the core topics on Pharma, Toxicology, Clinical Trials, Drug Safety, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Biomarkers and many more...
We cordially invite you to participate in the conference by presenting your work as either talks or posters based on the themes identified above. We hope that you will take advantage of this unique opportunity to interact with eminent scholars, researchers, practitioners and industry representatives from throughout the world whose focus is to develop new and effective drugs to improve world health.
Website: http://impactconferences.org/
Theme: Innovation and Ideas of Pharma, Toxicology and Clinical Trials