VisionScience Conferences 20201 scientific committee will be honored to invite you to the Global Conference on VisionScience (VisionScience 2021) held during September 17 & 18, 2021.
The conference proceedings will include seminars, symposiums and workshops on the latest treatment innovations in the field vision, particularly visual perception and multisensory processes related to Vision.
VisionScience conferences includes major sessions on detailed overview on Eye and Vision, Eye diseases and disorders, in cognitive science, Perception and Human Information Processing in Visual Search, psychology, and optometry.
Vision Science 2021 follows the theme of “Latest Technologies and advanced innovations in eye”.
Global Conference on VisionScience and Eye 2021 2020 Dubai United Arab Emirates
Guidelines for Speakers:
Kindly arrive at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the session
Presentation Length and Format
Oral presenters will be allocated 25 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers with the audience. If the presentation exceeds 25 minutes, the moderator will shorten the Q&A period that follows the presentation
Content Slides
Our experience indicates that up to 10 slides is optimal, allowing 2 minute per slide. You may choose to use more than 10 slides, but please be sure to complete your presentation within the allocated 25 minutes. The content slides should give an overview of the research with conclusions and future research direction
Slide Format
We will support only MS PowerPoint or Apple Keynote. Please ensure that all presentations are in one of these supported formats. High definition (HD) projectors will be used for all sessions. Please apply widescreen formatting when preparing your slides (aspect ratio 16:9; resolution 1920 x 1080)
Slide Submission
Speakers must bring their slides on a portable drive to the Conference hall so slides can be uploaded to the presentation computer. All presenters should bring their slides to the Conference hall at least 2 hours in advance of their presentation
- Speakers should plan to rehearse their presentations in advance to assure they effectively and efficiently cover the desired material in the time allotted
- Make sure your presentation is illustrative of what was elevated to the participants in the introduction description
- Be conscious of the make-up of your audience. Your audience may come from different agencies, industries, professions and geographical regions
- Make sure your slides are readable. The slides should not include multiple rows of text in small font. 24pt and up is usually safe
- It is important to have some time at the end of your talk for questions, and you must present your talk and answer questions without exceeding the time allotted to you