Global Meeting on Nursing Science and Health Care 2020 Rome Italy
MEC Global events extend a heartily welcome to all the distinguished speakers, delegates, clinical and medical professionals, researchers and industry leaders from all around the world to attend the International Nursing Congress 2020 which is going to be held during July 22-23, 2020 at Rome, Italy.
Collaborating experts who have eagerness in various fields of nursing covering highlights of psychiatry, cancer, cardiac, critical care, women’s health, pediatric and emergency nursing, midwifery, public health etc., is the only aim of Nursing Congress 2020.
Global Meeting on Nursing Science and Health Care is collaborated with Global Nursing Leadership Academy to explore recent advancements and certifications details in the field of nursing. GNLA is an online learning hub for health professionals who are aspiring to upskill their professional knowledge and offers a wide variety of online courses awarded with CPD/CNE credit hours and Australian and DHA Certification. This can be utilized for registration renewal, professional interviews and specialty jobs internationally.
Global Meeting on Nursing Science and Health Care 2020 Rome Italy.
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You are asked to follow the guidelines below when submitting an abstract for oral or poster presentation:
Title The title should be as brief as possible; preferably one line
Authors: The main (presenting) author's name should be marked with an asterisk (*) Affiliations Authors and their corresponding affiliation should be indicated with numbers. (Example John Smith and Science College of Medicine) Text Abstracts should be 300-500 words or no more than one page The formatting of figures, graphs and schemes may be lost during submission so this is not currently recommended.
Write out any special characters (including Greek characters) in your text. Single spacing should be used throughout. References, denoted by numbers in the text, should be listed at the end of the text using standard Chemical Abstracts Source Service Index terminology followed by year, vol., and page.
General A scientific committee will review the abstracts and you will be notified in one to two weeks after the corresponding deadline whether you have been successful; abstracts which most closely fit with the themes of the conference will be selected. Abstracts submitted, but not chosen for oral presentation will automatically be listed as poster presentations. You will be advised of the duration, time and day of your presentation or dimensions of poster board. All abstracts will be produced into a book of abstracts and made available to delegates at the meeting; please note this does not constitute publication* and abstract books are not available for sale following the meeting*. (*unless explicitly indicated)
Speaker presentation guidelines:
We would like to suggest to speakers when creating presentations:
• Please use digital presentations as overheads can’t be projected. PowerPoint is the preferred software.
• Please use dark text on a light background to ensure maximum legibility.
• Avoid large distracting logos.
• Use plain fonts, preferably 24 point or bigger.
• Scanned images and varying colors can look fuzzy; please ensure they are readable from a distance when enlarged.
• Avoid busy slides with too many bullet points.