Topic : HIPAA Changes 2020 - What's new? (This Lecture contians 1.5 CLE Credit)
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This 90-minute webinar will be addressing how practice/business managers (or compliance offers) need to get their HIPAA house in order as HIPAA is now fully enforced and the government is not using kid gloves any more.It will also address major changes under the Omnibus Rule, Trump administration, new congressional mandates, and any other applicable updates for 2020 and beyond. There are an enormous amount of issues and risks for covered entities and business associates these days ? we will speak to the most common violations and fines ? and how to best avoid fines and headaches.
Areas Covered in the Session :
- Updates for 2020 and beyond
- Fines
- Portable devices
- Texting and Emailing - new guidelines
- Changes under current OCR Director and congress
- New Definition of protected health information
- Real life audits and litigated cases
- Business associates and the increased burden
- Breach notification
- Paperwork that needs to be updated
- Risk factors
Speaker Profile :
Brian Tuttle is Keynote Speaker at ComplianceKey. He is Certified Professional in Health IT (CPHIT), Certified HIPAA Professional (CHP), Certified Business Resilience Auditor (CBRA) with over 19 years experience in Health IT and Compliance Consulting. Mr. Tuttle has worked all of those 15 years with MAG Mutual Healthcare Solutions and is now Senior Compliance Consultant and IT Manager with InGauge Healthcare Solutions (previously named MAG Mutual Healthcare Solutions). Almost all of Brian's clients are earned by referral with little or no advertising. Brian is well known and highly regarded in medical circles throughout the United States.
Contact Info :
Compliance Key
Email : support@compliancekey.us
Phone : +1 717-208-8666