Medicare Boot Camp® - Hospital Version
Course Overview
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Gain insight into the CMS initiatives affecting your revenue in 2019 by joining the nation’s leading Medicare experts for the Medicare Boot Camp®—Hospital Version.
From changes to the inpatient-only list to new guidance on charity care and pressure on drug payments, it’s the finest details of recent CMS updates that may cause compliance traps in 2019. Delve into the details of regulatory changes to understand the revenue implications and implement the new guidance. Medicare Boot Camp—Hospital Version unlocks all of the answers to your Medicare questions by teaching you the latest rules and their application.
Medicare Boot Camp—Hospital Version prepares you to better manage your revenue cycle and government audits by focusing on real guidance from CMS. You’ll leave class ready to make improvements that will strengthen reimbursement and compliance for your hospital or health system. And you’ll have the research tools and skills at your fingertips to answer your own Medicare questions long after the Boot Camp is over.
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You will leave this program knowing how to:
Prevent inpatient denials
Conduct compliant "self-audits" for Part B inpatient payment
Properly use and bill for observation services
Research and resolve claim edits that delay revenue
Prevent outpatient denials and missed revenue
Implement best practices to get the revenue you deserve while staying in compliance
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this educational activity, participants will be able to:
Locate key sources of Medicare authority on the Internet
Interpret Medicare guidance and apply it to the services provided
Describe how Medicare covers inpatient and outpatient services at hospitals
Describe limitations on coverage under the Medicare program
Recognize the effect of coding rules on the services the provider reports
Explain how Medicare pays for inpatient and outpatient services
Explain Medicare deductibles and copayments for hospital inpatient and outpatient services
Employ inpatient and outpatient status rules and regulations
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Medicare Boot Camp® - Hospital Version
Course Overview
Conference Registration clicks here
Gain insight into the CMS initiatives affecting your revenue in 2019 by joining the nation’s leading Medicare experts for the Medicare Boot Camp®—Hospital Version.
From changes to the inpatient-only list to new guidance on charity care and pressure on drug payments, it’s the finest details of recent CMS updates that may cause compliance traps in 2019. Delve into the details of regulatory changes to understand the revenue implications and implement the new guidance. Medicare Boot Camp—Hospital Version unlocks all of the answers to your Medicare questions by teaching you the latest rules and their application.
Medicare Boot Camp—Hospital Version prepares you to better manage your revenue cycle and government audits by focusing on real guidance from CMS. You’ll leave class ready to make improvements that will strengthen reimbursement and compliance for your hospital or health system. And you’ll have the research tools and skills at your fingertips to answer your own Medicare questions long after the Boot Camp is over.