This seminar provides Professionals working in this area with:
· A thorough understanding of the complexities involved
· Covers all the relevant regulations and guidelines
· Gives real life examples of how to register and maintain various types of combination products
· Interfaces: Change Management and LCM
· Compliant safety reporting for combination products
· Documentation requirements and interfacing
Why you should attend:
Combination products are especially challenging to register and maintain since they consist of two or more regulated components covered by different and usually independent sets of regulations in both the EU and US and various other regions.
Delegates working in this area must keep abreast of current and new legislation in this complex area to ensure a good regulatory strategy and compliance of their products.
Areas Covered in the Session:
Documentation requirements and interfacing
· Documentation requirements for combination products EU
· Documentation requirements for combination products US
· Interfacing, development, quality, regulatory
· Managing third parties and document control.
Who will benefit:
· Regulatory Affairs
· Medical Officers
· Clinical Trial Managers
Day 1 Schedule
Lecture 1 (90 Mins):
A high level overview to Combination Products
Including an interactive group session reviewing individual expectations
Lecture 2 (90 Mins):
Introduction to Drug/Device Regulations
During this introductory session, delegates will gain a complete guide to the status and impact of the latest guidelines for combination products. Examples (company specific) of combination products will also be discussed to gain insights into their variety and complexities. Regulatory Requirements for: US and EU
Lecture 3 (90 Mins):
CE Marking, 510 K and PMAs general Overview
· US and EU
Life Cycle Management
· Interfaces: Change Management
· CTA applications
· Annual reporting
Lecture 4 (90 Mins):
Including a walkthrough of expected outcomes for all case study exercises
Wrap up of day 1 & Q&A's
Day 2 Schedule
Lecture 1 (90 Mins):
Overview Combination product Regulation and CTD dossier requirments:
EU and US (A comparative review)
Lecture 2 (90 Mins):
Clarifying the regulatory requirements of combination products and addressing life-cycle management
· Examining the regulatory requirements for drug device combinations in the case of a drug and a device and for integral products
· Annual reports
· Case studies
Lecture 3 (90 Mins):
Lecture 4 (90 Mins):
Compliant safety reporting for combination products
· Taking into account your product's combined components when addressing adverse event reporting
Wrap up of day 2
Final Q&A & Summary of 'working smart' with Combination Products
Salma Michor,
PhD, MSc, MBA, CMgr, RAC
Salma Michor is founder and CEO of Michor Consulting Schweiz GmbH, serving such clients as Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Shire, Pfizer and Colgate Palmolive. Previously, Michor worked for Chiesi-Torrex, Wyeth Whitehall Export Croma Pharma GmbH. She teaches regulatory affairs and clinical strategies at the University of Krems, Austria, and is an independent expert to the European Commission. She holds a PhD in thermal process engineering and an MSc in food and biotechnology from the University of Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria; an MSc from King's College, University of London in food technology; and an MBA from Open University, and has earned the RAC (EU), CQA and is a Chartered manager.
Location: Washington, DC Date: October 18th & 19th, 2018 and Time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Venue: Courtyard Arlington Crystal City/Reagan National Airport
2899 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202 USA
Price: $1,295.00 (Seminar Fee for One Delegate)
Register for 5 attendees Price: $3,885.00 $6,475.00 You Save: $2,590.00 (40%)*
Register for 10 attendees Price: $7,122.00 $12,950.00 You Save: $5,828.00 (45%)*
Register now and save $200. (Early Bird)
Sponsorship Program benefits for seminar
For More Information- https://www.globalcompliancepanel.com/control/sponsorship
Contact us today!
NetZealous LLC DBA GlobalCompliancePanel
Toll free: +1-800-447-9407
Phone: +1-510-584-9661
Website: http://www.globalcompliancepanel.com
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