This one-day seminar will get into the fine details of what we need to do and how to do it.
We will go point by point through the entire HIPAA Security Rule and uncover simple methods to comply and create policy.
The primary goal is to ensure everyone is well educated on what is myth and what is reality with this law, as there is so much misleading information regarding the do's and don'ts with HIPAA. I want to add clarity for compliance officers.
It will also address major changes under the Omnibus Rule and any other applicable updates for 2018.
Why you should attend:
Omnibus has changed the HIPAA landscape for good!
Do you know all of the requirements of this enigmatic law?
Are you abiding by them?
My goal is to make this extremely complex enigma known as "HIPAA" very easy to understand with a painless step by step approach to an otherwise harrowing task... Times have changed and new laws are now in place concerning Protected Health Information. The best way to protect your practice or business and save yourself future headaches and possible litigation or Federal fines is to be proactive instead of reactive.
This once rarely enforced law has changed and you need to know what's going on!
Protect your practice or business!
These day's trial attorney's pose an even higher risk than the Federal government!
State laws are now in place increasing liability for patient remedies!
What factors might spurn a lawsuit or a HIPAA audit? ...are you doing these things?
Why are the Feds enforcing after all these years?
We will be discussing 2018 changes taking place in Washington with the Health and Human Services in regards to the enforcement of the HIPAA laws already on the books as well as some detailed discussions on the audit process as well as some current events regarding HIPAA cases (both in courtrooms and from live audits)
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Study all 18 Standards and 44 Implementation Specifications of the regulations
- Updates for 2018
- Requirements of Compliance Officers
- New definition of what constitutes protected health information
- Real life litigated cases
- Portable devices
- Business associates and the increased burden
- Emailing of PHI
- Texting of PHI
- Federal Audit Process
- HIPAA and suing - how this works
- Risk Assessment
- Best resources
Who Will Benefit:
- Practice managers
- Any business associates who work with medical practices or hospitals (i.e. billing companies, transcription companies, IT companies, answering services, home health, coders, attorneys, etc)
- MD's and other medical professionals.
Lecture 1 (90 Mins):
- HIPAA: a Brief History
- New definition of what constitutes Protected Health Information
- HIPAA and the Business Associate
Lecture 2 (90 Mins):
- Through examination of all 18 Standards and 44 Implementation Specifications of the HIPAA Security Rule and how to apply them
- How to enforce policy for each standard and implementation specification
Lecture 3 (90 Mins):
- The Federal Audit Process and things to be ready for
- HIPAA and Suing - how this works and examples of real cases
- Technology and HIPAA - best practices and big "no-no's"
- HIPAA Texting and Emailing - myth vs reality
Lecture 4 (90 Mins):
- Review once more all standards
Brian L Tuttle
Brian L Tuttle, CPHIT, CHP, CHA, CBRA, CISSP, Net+
Nationally Renowned Compliance Consultant12
Brian L Tuttle is a Certified Professional in Health IT (CPHIT), Certified HIPAA Professional (CHP), Certified HIPAA Administrator (CHA), Certified Business Resilience Auditor (CBRA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) with over 18 years' experience in Health IT and Compliance Consulting.
Location: Washington DC Date: September 10th, 2018 and Time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Venue: Courtyard Arlington Crystal City/Reagan National Airport 2899 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA 22202, USA
Until July 31, Early Bird Price: $649.00
From August 01 to September 08, Regular Price: $849.00
Register for 5 attendees Price: $1,947.00 $3,245.00 You Save: $1,298.00 (40%)*
Register for 10 attendees Price: $3,569.00 $6,490.00 You Save: $2,921.00 (45%)*
Register now and save $200. (Early Bird)
Sponsorship Program benefits for seminar
For More Information- https://www.globalcompliancepanel.com/control/sponsorship
Contact us today!
NetZealous LLC DBA GlobalCompliancePanel
Toll free: +1-800-447-9407
Phone: +1-510-584-9661
Website: http://www.globalcompliancepanel.com
Registration Link - https://www.globalcompliancepanel.com/control/globalseminars/~product_id=901783SEMINAR?seo
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