Event Description

Now in its 14th year, CMHC is the largest, US-based, multidisciplinary conference that is solely focused on the management of cardiometabolic risk, and the prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Through a thorough and comprehensive 3 ½ days planned and led by the country's top academic experts, researchers, and thought leaders, this event allows today's busy healthcare professionals a uniquely exclusive opportunity to learn, internalize, and integrate real-world solutions into their toolboxes: and ultimately, their clinical practices & patient care.

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Event Types (Select all that apply)
Medical Convention
Medical Meeting
Medical Conference
Medical Seminar
Medical Educational Courses
Event Registration Contact Email
Event Information Contact Email
CME Credits
As the growing international public health crisis of cardiovascular disease continues to plague the globe, it is imperative for clinicians to equip th
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract guidelines

For Physicians and people in the medical field especially in the cardiology specialization.

(+1) 206-575-7771
Medical Events Worldwide
12922 SE 299th Street, Auburn WA 98092 USA