We welcome every one of the Heart related Experts, option and correlative prescription experts, scientists in the field of Heart & Cardiology, Heart Diseases & Devices, Hypertension, Transplantation, Arrhythmia individuals who have faith in characteristic solutions for investigate their examination, contextual investigations and specialists of regular medication at our Cardiology-2019 Scheduled on September 19-20, 2019 at Miami, USA Get into the flow and join us in Cardiology-2019 congress.
In today’s economic climate your business decisions are as crucial as ever. International Conference on Heart & Cardiology allows you to maximize your time and marketing dollars while receiving immediate feedback on your new products and services.
- Best platform to develop new partnership & collaborations
- Discover the best tips and techniques for your indexing practice
- 89% our conference attendees are the Key contact in their labs purchasing decisions.
- Explore new insights and ideas for your business and Professional Career
- Our exhibitor booths were visited 4-5 times by 80% of the attendees during the conference
- Meet and mingle with colleagues old and new Related to your Research
- Develop new client relationships and strengthen the existing ones (B2B Meeting)
- 5% Waiver on Sponsorship for any of our next year conferences.
- One complimentary congress registration for Exhibition
- Recognition to your products and services in the world market through our website.
- Premium Sponsorship Packages like Elite Sponsor, Silver Sponsor, Gold Sponsor, Exhibition.
Abstract Submission
All abstracts must be submitted electronically as per our template, using our submission link. Abstract submission will be opens till January 14, 2019. Please note that all submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Committee.
Authors will be notified by the Organizers of the conference if their abstracts have been accepted for a poster or an oral presentation.
Oral Presentation:
Oral sessions consist of a series of individual talks. The time allocated to each oral presentation is 20 minutes including 5 minutes for question.
Poster presentation:
A poster presentation allows you to interact face to face with people interested in your research. Each poster session lasts 2 hours. Posters should be no larger than A0 (84 cm wide by 119 cm long) in portrait/landscape format. Please follow the guidelines.
Workshop presentation:
Workshop presentations are interactive skills-based discussions that last 60 minutes. Workshops must be interactive, and include practical information that participants can bring back to their communities.
Best Poster Award
A maximum of 3 prizes will be awarded for the best student posters, the following criteria applies:
1. The work must be predominately that of the student.
2. The poster must be prepared and presented by the student.
3. The student must register for the conference (as student registration).
4. The prize consists of a certificate and $200, and will be paid after the conference by cheque or bank transfer.
Click Here to Submit your Abstract: Submit Abstract