Event Description
3rd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference is going to be held during November 28-29, 2019 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Probiotics-2019 brings upon a new platform to share and discuss all the innovations in nutrition, microbiome and probiotics.
Probiotics-2019 mainly showcases comprehensive approaches in research and usage of probiotics. This Conference revolves around the novel discovery and development. The conference includes Keynote lectures by eminent personalities from around the world in addition to contributed papers both oral and poster presentations.
End Date
Start Date
Event website
Event Speciality
Event Types (Select all that apply)
Medical Conference
CME Credits
We welcome you to submit your abstract in relation to research and proficiency in Probiotics. Abstracts of all the related interest areas are accepted
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract guidelines
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- Title of the abstract must be in sentence case. The title must represent the abstract content.
- Name of the author and co-authors (if present). You may list up to 20 individual authors for each abstract.
- Provide your full name, degree, institution, address, telephone number, and email address. (Email address of the main author/presenter).
- Abstract content must not exceed 300 words. The body of the abstract should describe your research, results and conclusions of your study.
- A short biography of 100 words of the main author/presenter must be included along with abstract.
- All the abstracts must be submitted before the deadlines provided.
- Abstract will be reviewed by the committee and you will receive an e-mail notification within 24-48 hours of abstract submission.