LexisConferences will provide an opportunity to participate at Annual Meeting on Pharmaceutical Research & Industry Expo scheduled during December 02-03, 2019 at New York, USA. Pharma Expo 2019 is packed with Workshops, Symposium, Plenary Sessions, Keynote Talks, Video Presentation and Special Sessions with mainly focusing on thought promoting B2B Meetings and Research ideas from all around the globe.
Pharma Meeting & Expo 2019 focuses on Drug Discovery & Designing, Drug Delivery Research and Technologies, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Pharma Market Research, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and many more. Meet your target market with individuals from around the globe concentrated on finding out about Pharma, this is your single best chance to achieve the biggest array of members in our Pharma conference.
Pharma Meeting & Expo 2019 brings Pharmaceutical Industries, Researchers, Healthcare, Business Entrepreneurs, Drug Manufacturers all together under one roof. The two day Expo will gather Directors, CEO’s, Business Development Managers, Chief Scientific Officers, R&D Researchers from Pharmaceutical Industries, Patent Attorneys , Business Development Managers, Bio instruments Professionals, Bio-informatics Professionals, Research Institutes Members, Ph.D. Scholars, Professor & Associate Professor, Manufacturing Companies at a common platform and permit the exhibitors to enhance their business and networking.