Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Cardiology Enthusiasts,
Greetings from Cardiology Conference 2024!!
We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the "32nd International Conference on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases" which is going to be held from February 22-23, 2024, in Zurich, Switzerland.
The theme of the Cardiology Conference is "Innovations in Cardiology for a Global Heartbeat" and Cardiology Conference includes opening comments, plenary speeches, oral presentations, poster sessions, seminars, workshops, and exhibitions.
We will provide in-depth insights into the most recent advancements, cutting-edge technology, and emerging trends in the field of cardiology through our esteemed lineup of keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and oral presentations.
You will have a fantastic opportunity to network at the Cardiology Conference with other cardiologists, scientists, educators, and students. In addition, the Cardiology Conference will offer a great platform for researchers to network and exchange viewpoints on all facets of cardiology.
Join us as we explore, network, and toast to the splendor of this amazing city as well as the glories of Cardiology Conference.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
How to submit an abstract/ article?
Submissions of abstracts are welcome in all topics related to Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease Conference Please see below for submission guidelines.
The Open Access conference supporting journal and conference will publish all of the registered participants' submitted abstracts.
Abstracts can be submitted through the online link ABSTRACT SUBMISSION
Abstracts must be submitted in English and should be between 250 and 300 words long. They should also include a 60- to 70-word biography of the presenter.
Submissions are welcome in all topics related to Cardiology, cardiovascular disease and cardio care.
When presenting, the author must include the following information: Full name, department, institution/hospital, nationality, phone number, e-mail address, and a photo of the presenter are all required.
The following information is necessary for co-authors: Included must be full names and affiliation information such as department, institute/organization name, and country.
A review panel chosen by the Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease Conference 2024 review Committee will evaluate each abstract. The Committee's judgment is conclusive.
All accepted abstract presenters will be required to register for and pay for conference attendance.