Diabetes Asia 2023 Conference
The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Series as “Diabetes Asia 2023” Conference aim to help improve management of diabetes with emphasis on recent advances and practical aspects of diabetes care. Participants are expected to be able to:
appreciate recent advances and practical aspects of diabetes care
understand ways of ensuring early diagnosis and optimal management for good control of diabetes, its complications and associated diseases
apply knowledge gained during the Conference to further improve care for persons with diabetes in the community
The “Diabetes Asia 2023” Conference will emphasise on recent advances in the understanding and care of diabetes, its complications and related diseases.
- Abstract must be in Microsoft Word format (preferably using Arial font size 10-12)
- Abstract should be between 200 – 300 words
- Abstract may be submitted through email (enquiry@nadidiabetes.com.my)
- Abstract presentation structure:
- Abstract title (not more than 20 words) in BOLD letters
- Author(s) and affiliation(s)
- Background
- Objective(s)
- Methods
- Results & Conclusions
- The first author must be the presenting author and is a registered Conference participant
- For Poster presentation, the first/presenting author must be present during the assigned poster session
- Oral presentation will be for 10 minutes with 5 minutes Q & A. The time and place of presentation (oral/poster) will be informed by the Conference Secretariat
- Accepted abstracts will be published in the Programme Book
Dateline for abstract submission: September 1, 2023
Free Paper presentation is open to all aspects (both clinical and basic science) of research relating to diabetes, its complications and co-morbidities