HIPAA Changes for 2020 and Beyond 2020 Fremont United States
HIPAA Compliance has recently seen big changes in how the rules are enforced during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency and for individual access requests, long-overdue changes may be coming to regulations on Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information (PHI), we can expect new rules regarding the HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices and calling patients' cell phones, and a little-used HIPAA right may become a hot topic if the Affordable Care Act is threatened.
And there have been calls for HIPAA expansions to cover new technologies and new uses of PHI. There is no shortage of critical topics for medical offices to respond to, to meet requirements and avoid penalties.
This session will review the scope of what must be done to stay in compliance with the HIPAA regulations as individual access comes into focus both as a right that is vigorously enforced, yet now limited in some ways by a new Federal court order. Keeping up with these complex changes is essential to compliance with HIPAA access requirements.
HIPAA Changes for 2020 and Beyond 2020 Fremont United States