Training Options Duration: 90 Minutes
Monday, November 5, 2018 | 10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST
Overview: Covered entities and business associates have very specific requirements under the HIPAA Privacy Rule, HIPAA Security Rule and Breach Notification Rule. Enforced by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) HIPAA appears to be constantly changing, not based on new regulations, but guidance and newsletters from the OCR, Office of the Inspector General, Office of National Coordinator and CMS.
In addition, OCR adopts many of the publications from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Without a clear understanding of how to apply the standards in your office, you will most likely be in violation of some aspect of HIPAA every day. Small matters such as not posting your Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) in your waiting room or not listing electronic exchanges on your Notice.
Did you know that the acknowledgement of receipt of NPP must be resigned every 3 years? Authorization forms are another document your office encounters every day. Without the nine required elements the document is not valid and could result in a HIPAA breach (unauthorized disclosure) and open your office up to a law suit.
One of the benefits to knowing the HIPAA rules is that it will allow you to provide better patient care, at times office staff will not relay necessary information to friends and family out of the fear that HIPAA does not allow such disclosures.
HIPAA Security Rule violations can result in major breaches of your patient information. Not having the proper security in place opens your practice/business to massive HIPAA fines because you did not protect patient privacy. We will go over reasonable and appropriate security measures for the small, medium and large size practice and company.
Not performed your yearly risk analysis. The average fine to a practice is $1000.00 per day going back six years. Not only is your office required to have a yearly risk assessment, you must develop and implement a risk management plan based on the risk analysis.
During this webinar we will go over 100 different ways your practice/business is violating HIPAA every day. Make sure you don't miss a minute.
Why should you Attend: HIPAA is complex and misunderstood. We'll review the latest guidelines to ensure your practice or business is up to date on the requirements to avoid fines, breaches, and security incidents. The HIPAA Privacy and Security and Breach Notification rule contains thousands of pages of rules and regulations your office must comply with on a daily basis or face fines, lawsuits and loss of trust from your patients.
The legal regulations are only a small part of the guidance your office must follow, all Health and Human Services agencies are involved in HIPAA guidance In addition, the Office for Civil Rights adopts many of NIST publications which each can be hundreds of pages. Our webinar will simplify your requirements by showing you the most common HIPAA violations. This information is based on 8 years of working with small to large practices and business associates.
Areas Covered in the Session: Violations of:
Notice of Privacy Requirements
Communicating with Family and Friends
Can you Call Patients by Name
What Information can be Listed on your Sign in Sheet
Reasonable and Appropriate Security of your Network
Who Will Benefit:
Owners of Medical Practices
Office Managers
Home Health Care Workers
Business Associates
Speaker Profile
Michael McCoy is the managing partner of HITECH Compliance Associates. He has been helping small to large medical practices and business associates manage their HIPAA compliance requirements. After spending 23 years in the medical field, managing outpatient radiology facilities, Michael has dedicated the last eight years to understanding and simplifying government regulations as they relate to patient privacy rules.
Mr. McCoy is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied auditing and psychology. As a HIPAA compliance consultant, Michael is an expert in performing comprehensive risk assessments and developing risk management plans that result in a step by step compliance plan. The risk assessment is foundational, and Michael and his team use the information gathered from the risk assessment to build all documentation the practice needs for HIPAA compliance. Highly acclaimed for his training classes, Michael has trained tens of thousands of staff members in person and has over 75,000 online trainees.
Michael attends the yearly HIPAA Security Conference hosted by the Office for Civil Rights and the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). This yearly meeting with the agency officials that write the HIPAA guidelines, perform enforcement and audits gives him insights into what your office needs to prioritize and how to aid you and your staff meet HIPAA’s requirements. Protecting patient privacy is more important today than ever as cybercriminals want access to patient information. Michael will help your office implement the reasonable and appropriate security standards that are required by HIPAA and necessary to protect your patient records from being stolen or held for ransom.
Price - $139
Contact Info:
Netzealous LLC - MentorHealth
Phone No: 1-800-385-1607
Fax: 302-288-6884
Email: support@mentorhealth.com
Website: http://www.mentorhealth.com/
Webinar Sponsorship: https://www.mentorhealth.com/control/webinar-sponsorship/
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