We are glad to announce Psychiatry, Women’s Mental Health and Child Protection Conference dated August 28-29, 2019 at Dubai, UAE. It’s our pleasure to invite Psychiatrists, Mental Health professionals, Social Workers, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Scientists, Doctors, Physicians, Nurses, Academicians, Pharmacists, Neurologists, Neuropsychiatrists, Neuropsychologists, Therapists, Experts in Yoga and Meditation, Counsellors, Business professionals and Students around the globe from multidisciplinary departments and subjects are welcomed to participate actively. This includes Multiple Panels, Workshops, Affinity Group Lunches, Distinguish Speaker Session, Keynote sessions followed by plenary talks, Special sessions by eminent and renowned speakers.
Theme: Innovations and Excellency in Psychiatry and Mental Health for a better Healthcare
URL: https://www.lexisconferences.com/psychiatry-mentalhealth
Best Regards,
Ms Riya Khan
Contact Email: globalpsychiatry1@gmail.com, psychiatricdisorder2@gmail.com
Registration Details: https://www.lexisconferences.com/psychiatry-mentalhealth/registration
The abstract must be within 250-350 words with a title and do attach a short (100-150 words) biography and recent passport size official HD photograph.