With the enormous response from the previous annual SciTech conferences, We are Glad to inform you 2nd International Conference on Stemcell & Regenerative Medicine. which is slated at March 16 and 17, 2020 at the beautiful city of Orlando, Florida, USA. Stemcell & Regenerative Medicine 2020 brings together the Global leaders in Stemcell research and cancers, and relevant fields to present their research at this exclusive scientific program. The Stemcell & Regenerative Medicine Conference hosting presentations from editors of prominent referred journals, renowned and active investigators and decision-makers in the field of Stem cell research, Regenerative Medicine and cancers. Stemcell & Regenerative Medicine 2020 Scientific Committee also invites Young investigators at every career stage to submit abstracts reporting their latest scientific findings in oral and poster sessions.
The Stemcell & Molecular Biology 2020 includes 40+ plenary lectures, dedicated poster sessions and interactive elements. The medium-large size of the conference makes it an excellent forum to share new data, and to network with colleagues and speakers.
(99% of participants would recommend the conference to a colleague).
to Submit your abstract visit: https://stemcell.scitechconferences.com/submission-system/abstract-submission/